Mission, Vision, Values

Congregation Beth Israel (CBI) is a vibrant Jewish community in Charlottesville, Virginia dedicated to worship, education, community, and spiritual growth. CBI provides a Jewish home in which people can study, worship, socialize, and share in helping others. As the only synagogue in the Charlottesville region, we strive to address the spiritual needs of a diverse membership while providing a broad range of religious, educational, social, and community events for people of all ages and backgrounds. Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, CBI offers both Reform and Conservative services.


Cultivate and nurture a spiritual, educational, and engaged Jewish community in the Charlottesville region.


Congregation Beth Israel is dedicated to:

  • Investing in the future of Jewish life in Charlottesville through education in the heritage, culture, language, beliefs, and practices of Judaism;

  • Providing a joyful, vibrant, and accepting environment for a diverse community of all ages, cultural backgrounds and experiences, worship styles, and lifestyles;

  • Supporting fellow congregants and members of the community during times of joy, challenge, and sorrow;

  • Improving the well-being of the local community through activism in social justice and charitable giving (tzedakah).


Our values are founded on an ancient and enduring covenant which provides a foundation for our actions and directs our behaviors:

Worship (T’filah): We encourage a diverse worship environment that fosters spiritual growth and inclusiveness, and promotes active congregational leadership and participation;

Culture (Massoret V’moreshet): We are a nucleus for the local Jewish community: a welcoming, supportive, vibrant community that respects our heritage and provides a home for a diverse membership;

Lifelong Learning (M’dor L’dor): As a key part of our heritage and as an investment in the future of Judaism, we support interactive, collaborative learning for people of all ages in a variety of settings and across a broad range of topics;

Repair of the World (Tikkun Olam): We promote activist participation and leadership in local and regional social justice intiatives and charity (tzedakah);

Gladness and Joy (Simcha): We worship, gather, and celebrate together in an environment infused with happiness;

Caring and Kindness (Gmilut Chasadim): We are a community devoted to mutual support and compassion through all stages of life;

Commitment to Israel (Kesher L’Yisrael): We provide support for and education regarding the state of Israel.