Hebrew Cemetery

In 1870, before there was a Congregation Beth Israel, the Charlottesville Hebrew Benevolent Society was founded to provide for proper religious burial of the community. Property was purchased adjacent to the city's Oakwood Cemetery, at 1st Street and Elliott Avenue, to serve as a Jewish cemetery. The Hebrew Cemetery continues to be located at its original site. The cemetery is walled with stone and has black wrought iron gates. The gates are not locked but do have small poles at the base that keep them closed. Lift one of the poles to enter, and when leaving, lower the pole again into its holder. If you wish to visit a specific grave, contact Cemetery Committee members, the Congregation Beth Israel office staff (434-295-6382), Hill & Wood Funeral Service or Teague Funeral Service. All have a map of the plot locations and can provide that information for you.

Since the historic Hebrew Cemetery only has a limited number of plots available, CBI expanded options for burial to two additional locations. At the beautiful Riverview Cemetery we have established a Jewish section on a hill overlooking the river. In addition, CBI has secured an agreement for a Jewish segment with the green cemetery at Panorama Farms. Plots at the Hebrew Cemetery, Riverview Cemetery, and Panorama Farms are open not only to CBI members but to the local Jewish community as well.

Cemetery Committee members offer assistance to individuals in selecting and purchasing plots in advance of need - at all of the three locations listed above - relieving family of the emotional and financial burden often associated with making these arrangements when a death occurs. They are also very willing to assist with purchase at the time of need. The Cemetery Committee has arranged with Hill & Wood to stock a plain wooden casket that meets traditional Jewish standards. Please ask about that if you are planning a funeral. Hill & Wood will cooperate with any other funeral home the bereaved would like to use.

Congregation Beth Israel's Chevra Kadisha (burial society) is available to prepare your loved one, at no charge, for burial in accordance with Jewish traditional rituals. Call CBI (434-295-6382) to make this request, or to indicate your wishes when you speak to your funeral director.

Click here for the Hebrew Cemetery Rules and Regulations, or contact the CBI office for a copy.

To read CBI's policy on whole body burials and cremains, Click HERE.