Lay Leadership, Oneg & Kiddush

Lay Leadership

Congregation Beth Israel has a long tradition of lay leadership in our worship settings. Members are invited to lead Shacharit (the morning service), lead Musaf (the additional service), read or chant a section of Torah, chant a Haftarah, offer a D'var Torah (thoughtful reflections on an aspect of the Torah portion), or welcome attendees by being an Usher. If you think you might like to try one of these roles but could use some personal instruction, please contact Rabbi Tom Gutherz’ Assistant Shelby Apple.

Sign Up: Lay Leader Opportunities

Sign Up: Be An Usher

Oneg And Kiddush

Hosting an Oneg or Kiddush is a generous and thoughtful way to contribute to the CBI community. Celebrate a birthday, wedding, or birth of a child; congratulate a fellow member on an achievement; commemorate a loved one, or just use it as a chance to meet your fellow members.

Sign Up to Host an Oneg or Kiddush

Contribute to the Oneg/Kiddush Fund