Senior Connections

Senior Connections builds and strengthens the connections of Jewish seniors to the Jewish community by offering home visits and assistance with other personal needs. As an extension of Congregation Beth Israel, Senior Connections provides opportunities for participation in:

  • Social Activities

  • Torah Study

  • Shabbat and Holiday Celebrations

  • Films, Lectures, and Special Events

Senior Connections has provided home visits and outings, Chanukah sing-alongs, conversations with adult children, transportation to community events, and lively, engaging bi-weekly Torah Study. The goal is to support seniors by acknowledging their unique insights, encouraging continued contributions, providing assistance when needed, creating activities and community events geared to their intellectual, religious and spiritual interests, and being a helping hand and a listening ear. 

For more information, please contact Senior Connections Coordinator, Latifa Kropf.

Senior Connections is supported by the Helen and Ed Eitelberg Fund of the United Jewish Fund for Charlottesville.