Adult Education

Jewish learning is a lifetime commitment and journey. At CBI, the goal is to support you in your personal Jewish growth by providing engaging opportunities in Jewish thought, ritual, spirituality, and culture.

Monthly Beit Midrash 
Beit Midrash is the name for CBI's monthly adult learning program which is dedicated to Jewish text study. The text could be from the Torah, the Talmud, Jewish philosophy, mussar, midrash, kabbalah, hasidic writings, or even modern Israeli poetry. Beit Midrash is a drop-in stand-alone study session where no previous Hebrew or Jewish text experience is needed. Watch for your weekly e-announcements for more information about the topics being studied each month. 

Adult Education Lecture Series
Each year, the CBI Adult Education Committee plans a series of lectures on various topics of interest to the community. The lectures are free and open to the public.

Jewish Film Series
Join your fellow film lovers for a notable selection of Israeli and Jewish-themed films. While you can watch many of these films on your own, here at CBI we always have a stimulating and lively conversation following the screening (Refreshments, too!).

Judaism for Adults
Rabbi Tom Gutherz teaches this 13-week survey course on the beliefs and practices of Judaism every year starting in fall. Topics include: Shabbat and holidays, Jewish views about God, Jewish texts and interpretation, the commandments, death, sin, forgiveness, prayer, Jewish history and Zionism. Contact Office Manager Raya Cantor to learn more about this class, which is a prerequisite for those seeking to convert to Judaism.

Mussar Practice
You are invited to be part of CBI's Mussar practice, learning methods to cultivate qualities of the heart and mind. Participants will be given tools for paying attention to thoughts and reactions and for developing "soul traits" (Tikkun Middot). These traits include humility, equanimity, honor, trust, and order, among others.  If you are interested in joining a Tikkun Middot Group, you may Contact Office Manager Raya Cantor. To learn more about Tikkun Middot, click here.