Teen Programs

Beth Israel Temple Youth group (BITY) welcomes all Jewish teenagers in the Charlottesville area. BITY serves ninth through twelfth graders, but eighth graders are often invited to participate in events. 

High school students serve on BITY’s Board and plan all events. Recent activities include a hike at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir, an afternoon of hot cocoa and board games, a sukkah-building contest, and mosaic art with our artist-in-residence. Twice a year, there is a “shul-in,” where participants enjoy student-led programming such as baking hamantaschen, playing lights-out hide and seek, and creating and performing holiday skits before camping out at the synagogue overnight. 

BITY Board members can also participate in regional activities through NFTY-MAR, the North American Federation of Temple Youth's Mid-Atlantic Region.

If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact BITY Coordinator Natalie Johnson.