Membership: Why Join?

Congregation Beth Israel is delighted that you are interested in joining our diverse and dynamic community. We take pride in our welcoming atmosphere, our deep commitment to Jewish values, our love of Judaism, and the wide variety of programming and support we offer for congregants of all ages.

Like most synagogues, we are a membership organization. Members make a financial contribution to the community which helps CBI to maintain and improve the synagogue’s physical structure, fund programs and services, and achieve our goal of providing ways for all our members to live Jewishly, whatever that may mean to them.

Please contact the CBI Administrative Office with questions regarding the congregation or to arrange a tour.

  • Worship

    Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning services occur every Friday evening and Saturday morning, supplemented by holiday services throughout the year.

  • Preschool

    For our youngest members, we offer Tot Shabbat services and a preschool program.

  • Religious School

    For school-aged children, Religious School and Hebrew School offer a comprehensive Jewish education.

  • Youth Activities

    Complementing our Family and Youth Services, our active youth groups keep our teens engaged in Jewish life in Charlottesville and beyond.

  • Adult Education

    Adult education opportunities abound in the form of short courses, lectures, films, and Beit Midrash (text discussion) sessions.

  • Caring and Comfort

    During times of illness or death, members of the CBI Caring Committee offer comfort in the form of visits or assistance with shiva minyanim.

  • Mitzvot

    Organized opportunities to engage in mitzvot are available year-round through the work of various committees and groups.