Goals / Values
Chesed (Loving-kindness):
Students will experience what it is like to be in a community filled with loving-kindness and will gain a strong resolve to bring loving-kindness into our world.
Malchut V'Shleimut (Awe and Wonder):
Students will explore prayer, spirituality, and connection to God.
Bitachon (Confidence):
Students will feel confident and comfortable participating in a variety of Jewish experiences; not only in our Jewish home, but in Jewish settings outside of Charlottesville, as well.
Kehillah Kedosha (Holy Community):
Students will have a connection with the larger Jewish community, especially in Israel, and have opportunities to experience Judaism in Jewish time with CBI.
M'Dor L'Dor (From Generation to Generation):
Students will feel connected to Judaism past, present, and future.
Hitlamdut (Reflexive Learning):
Students will discover that Judaism is relevant and real in our daily lives and is part of everything we do and everywhere we go.