Services & Programs / Calendar

Kabbalat Shabbat (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor.

Mishkan Tefilah - Bar Mitzvah Of Anand Freilich (In-person & On YouTube)
Join Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Ezra Leventhal to celebrate Shabbat and the Bar Mitzvah of Anand Freilich.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

CBI Lecture Series: Susan Lorsch - Discussion Of Nathan Englander's Story "What We Talk about When We Talk About Anne Frank" (In-person)
Join Hofstra Professor Emerita Susan Lorsch for a discussion of Nathan Englander’s story "What We Talk about When We Talk About Anne Frank".

Scholar In Residence Weekend - Mystical Kabbalat Shabbat - David Elitzer & Rhea Stark (In-person & On YouTube | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
Join Rabbi Tom and former CBI rabbinic intern David Elitzer for a special Kabbalat Shabbat service, that emphasizes mystical elements of the service and introduces mysticism as a practice of challenging our perceptions of reality.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Scholar In Residence Weekend - Beit Midrash On Hekhalot - David Elitzer (In-person | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
David Elitzer will lead a text study introducing the highly unusual Hekhalot literature (mystical visions of ascending to the divine realm) and Merkavah mysticism (meditations on "Ezekiel's chariot").

Scholar In Residence Weekend - Shalosh Seudos / Song Circle / Havdalah - David Elitzer (In-person | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
David Elitzer and Rabbi Tom will lead communal singing of zemirot, as we participate in the Seudah Shlishit (the light meal traditionally eaten before the end of the Sabbath). David and Rabbi Tom will frame this singing as an embodied mystical experience. The program will be followed by a community dinner at 6:00 pm and a brief Havdalah service.

Scholar In Residence Weekend - Ritual And Amulet Workshop - Rhea Stark (In-person | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
After giving a brief presentation on the history of Jewish amulets, Rhea Stark will lead a hands-on workshop in which participants make their own amulets. Rhea will draw attention to the connection between materiality and our own interiorities.

Scholar In Residence Weekend - Art History Talk On Ritual Jewish Amulets - Rhea Stark (In-person | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
Rhea Stark will present an art historical talk on mystical Jewish amulets focusing especially on childbirth amulets from the medieval and early modern Middle East. Participants will gain a sense of a mystical and material Jewish tradition that dates back to ancient sources but that today has largely been lost.

Kabbalat Shabbat (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

CBI Community Passover Seder (In-person | REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
Rabbi Tom Gutherz will lead CBI's Community Seder on the second night of Pesach. Come celebrate the Festival of Freedom with seder rituals, delicious food, traditional and less traditional songs, and lively conversation.

Kabbalat Shabbat (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor.

7th Day Of Passover Service With Yizkor / Traditional Egalitarian (In-person & On YouTube)
Join Rabbi Tom Gutherz for a traditional egalitarian service in honor and remembrance of the loved ones who are no longer with us, and to mark the end of Passover.

Beit Midrash - Song Of Songs (In-person)
Join Rabbi Tom for a text study on the Song of Songs, one of the most beautiful and moving pieces of poetry in the bible.

Post Passover Pizza Party & Trivia (In-person | Starr Hill Brewery)
Celebrate the end of Passover with Pizza, great company, and some fun trivia brain teasers.

Yom HaShoah / Kabbalat Shabbat - With Special Guest Bernice Steinhardt (In-person & On YouTube)
Join Rabbi Tom for a special Shabbat service in observance of Yom HaShoah, and in memory of those who lost their lives in the Holocaust. Special guest Bernice Steinhardt will share a presentation about her mother, who survived the Holocaust and distilled the story of her survival into textile art that has been shown in museums across the country.

Mishkan Tefilah - Bar Mitzvah Of Ezra Halme (In-person & On YouTube)
Join Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Ezra Leventhal to celebrate Shabbat and the Bar Mitzvah of Ezra Halme.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Beit Midrash: The Refualary Roadshow / Jewish Herbal Remedies (In-person | Registration REQUIRED)
We are excited to welcome our friends from Farfield Farms for a special Beit Midrash about Jewish herbal remedies. Meet the farmers and sample treats, craft your own herbal tea blend, harvest the roots of Jewish wisdom and browse handcrafted products.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person & On YouTube)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Kabbalat Shabbat (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor.

CBI Purim Spiel & Carnival
Join us for a fun Purim celebration with lots of fun games and CBI’s beloved Purim Spiel (this year based on Disney’s smash hit “Wicked”).

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Kabbalat Shabbat & Installation Of Rabbi Ezra Leventhal (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor. At this special service we will also celebrate the official installation of Rabbi Ezra Leventhal as CBI's Assistant Rabbi.

CBI Film Series -Dinner & Movie "Remembering Gene Wilder" (In-person | Registration REQUIRED)
We are excited to continue the CBI Film Series with a dinner & movie night. We'll be screening the documentary "Remembering Gene Wilder", which explores the fascinating life and work of Jewish Hollywood comedy icon Gene Wilder, through the lens of colleagues and loved ones who knew him best. A delicious dinner before the movie will be catered by Indian restaurant Kanak, the price is $24 per person.Registration is required to attend.

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Mishkan Tefilah - Shabbat Morning Service (In-person)
Join Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Ezra Leventhal for our Reform Shabbat morning service and celebrate the day of rest with your favorite melodies using the Mishkan Tefilah prayer book.

Kabbalat Shabbat / Hadassah Shabbat (In-person & On YouTube)
Welcome Shabbat with your favorite melodies at our Shabbat evening Reform service led by CBI’s rabbis or our music specialist / cantor. Hadassah Shabbat is an annual CBI tradition celebrating the work of Hadassah, usually featuring a guest speaker.

Mosaic Unveiling, Havdalah & Community Celebration (In-person | Registration REQUIRED)
Many of you may remember our artist in residence workshop with Audrey Markoff last year, when the CBI community came together to create a beautiful mosaic. There will be a big celebration in early March to dedicate our new art piece. There'll be snacks, a brief Havdalah service, and live music by local band "Side Hustle".

Traditional Egalitarian (In-person)
Join the CBI traditional egalitarian minyan for a conservative Shabbat morning service, using the Sim Shalom prayer book. This service is usually lay-led.

Mishkan Tefilah - Bat Mitzvah Of Cordelia Rice (In-person & On YouTube)
Join Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Ezra Leventhal to celebrate Shabbat and the Bat Mitzvah of Cordelia Rice.